In accordance with the Law on Balanced Regional Development (hereinafter ZSRR-2) vision of regional development represent dynamic and creative regions, effectively managed and with its own identity, thus able to detect and utilize the global development opportunities. Regional development bases on economic efficiency, social justice and environmental responsibility. The objective of promoting balanced regional development is to increase the economic, environmental and social capital (human, social and cultural capital) in the development region in terms of economic competitiveness, quality of life and sustainable use of natural resources, the elimination of structural problems in the problem areas and reduction of its developmental delay while exercising and strengthening the development potentials of the region with the international territorial cooperation.
RDA Zasavje as a regional development agency carries out, in the public interest, tasks for the promotion of regional development and general development tasks at regional level, as defined by the Article 18 of ZSRR-2 with an aim of reducing the development gap of the region according to the Slovenian and European average and also reducing development disparities within the region namely the following tasks:
RDA Zasavje as a regional development agency carries out, in the public interest, tasks for the promotion of regional development and general development tasks at regional level, as defined by the Article 18 of ZSRR-2 with an aim of reducing the development gap of the region according to the Slovenian and European average and also reducing development disparities within the region namely the following tasks:
- preparation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the regional development program and regional projects in the region,
- elaboration of the agreement for the development of the region,
- the implementation of regional projects and cooperation in the tender procedures implementation, public procurements and public-private partnerships in the framework of regional projects,
- providing cooperation and support for the RDA Zasavje council, council of the region, regional development network and regional development partnerships,
- informing, general consulting, accumulating project ideas and directing the development partners in the region in setting up projects, in submitting applications to tenders and in the implementation of regional projects,
- transfer of knowledge and regional development good practices,
- assistance for the implementation of the regional financial schemes,
- coordination and implementation of other tasks in the public interest in the field of regional policy after prior approval by the authority responsible for regional development (Council of the Region/Regional Development council).