Zagorje ob Savi municipality in numbers
km2 površin
povp. bruto plača
% delovne aktivnosti
Statistical data available reveal the following image of the municipality Zagorje ob Savi:
- In the year 2023, the municipality had about 16.413 inhabitants (8.215 men and 8.198 women). On a square kilometre of the municipality area lived an average of 111,5 inhabitants. So the population density in the municipality is higher than in the whole Slovenia (104,4 inhabitants per km2).
- In the year 2022 the number of live births was lower than the number of deaths. Natural increase per 1000 inhabitants ws in the municipality negative. -3,1 (in Slovenia -2,3). In the year 2021 the number of those who have moved out of the municipality, was higher than the number of people who have moved into the municipality. Net migration per 1.000 inhabitants in the municipality was negative, amounted to -2,8. The sum of natural increase and net migration per 1.000 inhabitants in the municipality was negative, -5,4 (in Slovenia -0,9).
- In the year 2023 the average age of residents was 44,4 years, higher than the average age of people in Slovenia (44,0 years).
- The data for the year 2021 show that among the municipality residents the number of elderly - as in the majority of Slovenian municipalities – was higher than the number of young people: per 100 people aged 0 to 14 years lived 138 people, aged 65 or more. This ratio shows that the value of the municipalities aging index is higher than the value of the Slovenian aging index (which was 136). It also shows that the average age of municipality inhabitants rises, on average, faster than in Slovenia. Data by gender show that the value of the aging index for women in all Slovenian municipalities is higher than the value of the aging index for men. In the municipality is among women less women which were aged 65 years or more, than women who were aged less than 15 years; among men the picture was exactly the opposite.
- The data for the year 2021 show that in the municipality 5 kindergartens are operating and are attended by 659 children. Of all the children, aged 1 – 5 years, in the municipality, 80 % of them attend kindergarten, which is less than in all Slovenian kindergartens together (81 %). The local elementary schools in the school year 2021/2022 educated about 1.540 pupils. Various secondary schools were attended by about 600 pupils. Among 1.000 inhabitants of the municipality there were on average 35 students and 10 graduates; in Slovenia there were among 1.000 inhabitants on average 39 students and 8 graduates.
- The data for the year 2021 show that among people aged 15 to 64 years (ie. Working age population) approximately 68% are employed or self-employed (ie. Employment), which is above than the Slovenian average (67%).
- The data for the year 2021 show that average monthly salary (gross earnings) per person, employed by legal persons, were in the municipality about 12 % lower than the annual average monthly salary (gross earnings) in Slovenia, in net earnings about 11 %.
- In the year 2021 there were 383 apartments per 1.000 inhabitants in the municipality. The average number of persons in the apartment was 3,1 while the average size of the apartment was 83,3 m2.
- The data for the year 2021 show that every second person in the municipality had a car (556 cars per 1000 inhabitants); the cars were on average 10 years old.
- During the year 2021 the municipality collected 340 kg of municipal waste per capita, which is 25 kg less than the Slovenian average.