The Potential Technologies Focus Catalogue

The Potential Technologies Focus Catalogue (PTFC) was created as part of the CompoWIN project (, which aims to support the development of composite manufacturing industry in the European Union (E.U.). The CompoWIN project is funded by the Erasmus+ program. One of the goals of the CompoWIN project is to develop a comprehensive training program for workers in the composite industry.

The PTFC is primarily intended for educational institutions, which can offer theoretical and practical learning content on the basis of our work. The PTFC can support both formal and non-formal education offerings on the market. The PTFC is also intended for companies that are (re)focusing on composite production and also for companies with a long tradition of operating in the composite industry. Based on this Catalog of Potential Technologies, companies can more easily identify the direction of composite production in the future as well as identify potential techniques or procedures that will give them the greatest added value in the future. Additionally, the PTFC is also interesting for individuals who want to engage in composite production for their own needs as employees. With this catalog, they will gain insight into various technologies available in the production of composite products and will be able to decide on the process or technology that is most suitable for them and consequently enroll in (interesting) practical training.


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